Saturday, 6 October 2007

Why Blog Cross-Centredly? Part 2

On Monday we looked at the first reason why I, and you, should blog cross-centredly. The reason was I love the cross, it is the most exciting event in history and I want to think on it again and again. It is my salvation and it shows God's love for me. It therefore should be central to all I do. What other reasons are there for bloggin cross centredly?

Reason 2: Denying Myself
It is very easy for a blog to become all about the writer (or chief writer). They talk about their life, what they have learnt, what they are interested in. This very quickly begins to point the finger to me. This would be bad for you, but most of all it would be bad for me. I do not need to be puffed up. How can I distract the attention from myself to God?

Easy I point to the cross. There my sins are on full view. I was so sinful that the God who created the universe had to die for me. Jesus had to face the fullness of Fathers' wrath because of how evil I was. If I blog in such a way I point to the cross nobody will look to me. They will surely be lead to say "What a sinner he is, but what a great God Jesus is!" Is that not what we want? To point people to God?

I challenge other Christian bloggers to make a point of preaching the cross. Deny yourself and your glory and point rather to Jesus. Let's not try to be the best bloggers on the planet, with witty posts and a readership in the thousands. Let's rather try to point to the cross.

Yours in Christ

This blog is the Second part of a series of blogs entitled "Why Blog Cross-Centredly?". Keep an eye on this blog for the next answer to this question "Part 3: To Focus My Heart".

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